Duncan Valley Electric Cooperative

Duncan Valley Electric serves 1,705 consumers living in Grant, Hidalgo, NM; Graham, Greenlee, AZ. The company owns 522 miles of distribution line. The board meets on the 3rd Monday of each month; the annual meeting is April 24, 2024. The cooperative was incorporated and energized in 1947.

Board of Trustees

Frank Downs, President
Tom Powers, Vice President
Johnnie Frie, Secretary-Treasurer
Larry Avila, Trustee
Judy McKinley, Trustee
Tom Lovett, Trustee
Leon Reynolds, Trustee
Dustie Robinette, Trustee

Executive Staff

Steven Lunt, Chief Executive Officer
Mike Strain, Operations Manager
Kimberly Waters, Office Supervisor/Board Assistant


379597 AZ 75
PO Box 440
Duncan, AZ 85534
Main: 928-359-2503
Toll-free: 800-669-2503
Fax: 928-359-2370
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