Lea County Electric Cooperative

Lea County Electric serves 7,271 members living in Chavez, Eddy and Lea, New Mexico; and Cochran, Gaines, Yoakum, Texas.

The company owns 4,332 miles of distribution line. It has invested $196.1 million to serve its members.

The board meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month; the annual meeting is April 25, 2025. The cooperative was incorporated in 1949 and energized in 1949.

Board of Trustees

John Graham, President/Director, WFEC
Robert Caudle, Vice President/Director, NMREC
Dan Hardin, Secretary-Treasurer
Charles Garner, Trustee
Travis Glenn, Trustee
C.J. Kinsolving, Trustee
Randall McCormick, Trustee
Kenny Wallace, Trustee
Jason Swann, Trustee

Key Staff

Bobby Ferris, Executive Vice President and General Manager/President, NMRESIF
Bobby Kimbro, Manager, Engineering & Operations
Chris Bessenecker, Manager, Administrative Services/Safety/Compliance
Denise McDaniel, Manager, Accounting/Customer Service/Purchasing
Alma Griffin, Executive Assistant
Kyle Coleman, Manager, Communications/IT


1300 W. Avenue D
PO Drawer 1447
Lovington, NM 88260
Main: 575-396-3631

Tatum: 575-398-2233
Plains, TX: 806-456-3322

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