Rio Grande Electric Cooperative

Rio Grande Electric serves 13,914 consumers living in Eddy and Otero counties, New Mexico; Brewster, Crockett, Culberson, Dimmitt, Edwards, El Paso, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, Kinney, Maverick, Pecos, Presidio, Reeves, Terrell, Uvalde, Val Verde, Webb and Zavala counties, TX.

The company owns 10,045 miles of distribution line.

The board meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month; the annual meeting is October 12, 2024. The cooperative was incorporated in 1945 and began providing electric service in 1948. 

Board of Trustees

Tim Edwards, President
William R. Foster, Vice President
Jamie Ballew, Treasurer
Priscilla Parsons, Secretary
Mark Daugherty, Trustee
Bryon Garrison, Trustee
Damon Harrison, Trustee
Howard Ivy, Trustee
Jan Metcalf, Trustee
Margarita Nelson, Trustee
Grant Spence, Trustee
Susana Perez, Trustee
Howard Wakefield, Jr., Trustee

Key Staff

Theresa Quiroz, CEO 
Conrad Dalton, Chief Technical Officer
Martha Gerardo, Chief Human Resources and Diversified Services Officer
Larry Powell, Chief Specialized Project Development Officer
Yvonne Rodriguez, Controller


778 E. U.S. Highway 90
PO Box 1509
Brackettville, TX 78832
Main: 830-563-2444
Toll-free: 800-749-1509
Fax: 830-563-8060
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