Socorro Electric Cooperative

Socorro Electric serves 8,696 members living in Catron, Cibola, Sierra, Socorro, and Valencia counties.

The company owns 3,328 miles of distribution line. It has invested $113 million to serve its members.

The board meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month; the annual meeting is April 26, 2025. The cooperative was incorporated in and energized 1945.

Board of Trustees

Leroy Anaya, Chairman/Director, Tri-State
Eileen Latasa, Trustee, Secretary Treasurer
Ron Burnett, Trustee
Kenneth Bowden, Trustee
Eileen Latasa, Trustee
Ward McCartney, Trustee
Stephen Rosas, Trustee

Key Staff

Manny Gonzales, CEO/General Manager/Director, NMREC
Adriana Arellano, Meter Department Supervisor
Jimmy Capps, Chief Financial Officer
Jason Otero, Line Superintendent
Marilyn Madrid, Member Services Supervisor
David Montoya, Safety Compliance Officer


PO Box H
Socorro, NM 87801
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