Farmers' Electric Cooperative

Farmers' Electric serves 7,265 members living in Curry, DeBaca, Guadalupe, Harding, Quay, Roosevelt and San Miguel counties.

The company owns 4,376 miles of distribution line. It has invested $107 million to serve its members.

The board meets on the 4th Monday of each month; the annual meeting is May 18, 2024. The cooperative was incorporated in 1938 and energized 1938.

Board of Trustees

Mike West, President
George Dodge, Vice President
Donnie Bidegain, Secretary-Treasurer/Assistant Secretary Treasurer, WFEC
Justin Barnes, Trustee
Jubal Pierce, Trustee
Judy Smith, Trustee
John Pat Woods, Trustee

Key Staff

Antonio Sanchez, General Manager/Director, NMREC
Glenn Barleben, IT Manager
Barry Bass, Line Superintendent 2
Darrel Gomez, Line Superintendent 1
Suzette Howard, Manager, Accounting
Michael McCord, Manager, Engineer
Thom Moore, Director, Member Services
Helen Jo Wallin, Customer Service/Human Resources Manager


3701 Thornton Street
PO Box 550
Clovis, NM 88102
Main: 575-769-2116
Toll-free: 800-445-8541
Fax: 575-769-2118

Ft. Sumner: 575-355-2291
Santa Rosa: 575-472-3971
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