Jemez Mountains Electric Cooperative

Jemez Mountains Electric serves 31,460 members living in McKinley, Río Arriba, San Juan, Sandoval, and Santa Fe.

The company owns 4,168 miles of distribution line.

The board meets on the fourth Friday of each month; the annual meeting is August 18, 2024. The cooperative was incorporated in 1948.

Board of Trustees

Dennis Trujillo, President
Manny Bustos, Vice President/Director, NMREC
Marcelina Martinez, Secretary
Dolores G. McCoy, Treasurer
Henry Roybal, Assistant Secretary Treasurer
Dennis Gallegos, Trustee
Lucas Cordova Jr., Trustee
Elias Coriz, Trustee
Marissa Maestas-Muller, Trustee-At-Large
John Ramon Vigil, Trustee
Danny Velarde, Trustee

Key Staff

Joseph Sanchez, CEO and General Manager
Tina Trujillo Archuleta, Manager of of Administration and External Affairs
Geraldine Romero, Chief Financial Officer
Karen Wisdom, Senior Manager of Contract Administration and Compliance
Clara Martinez, Manager of Member Services
Jim Wiseman, Jemez Springs District Manager/Safety Coordinator
Patricia Martinez, Cuba Office Manager


19365 S.R. 84/285
Hernandez, NM 87537
Main: 505-753-2105
Toll-Free: 1-888-755-2105
Fax: 505-753-6958
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